Navigating Engagement

The Engagement List page is your home page in Engagement. It opens by default when you log in to the application. From here, you can create new engagements or open existing engagements. To return to this page at any time, click on the navigation bar.

Clicking an engagement name on the Engagement List page opens that engagement. More information about using the Engagement List page is in the topic Using the Engagement List Page.

When an engagement is open, the client name and engagement name display in the navigation bar. You can move through the different areas of the engagement by clicking the menu icon in the navigation bar and selecting the area of the engagement that you want to view.

If you are working in a consolidated engagement, you can also navigate between a consolidated view and subsidiary views on the Trial Balance, Financial Statements, and Leadsheets pages. The information visible on each page varies depending on which view you select. See Navigating Consolidated Engagements for more details.

ClosedTell me about the areas that are accessible from the menu.


A toolbar displays on the right side of most pages in an engagement. The tools that are visible to you depend on which page you are working on. See the topics linked below for information about the tools available on each page.

Links Available at the Top of Every Page

The following links display at the top of every page in the application


Click to display the Engagement List page. You can create a new engagement or open an existing engagement from here.

Note: You can only view engagements for clients you have been given permission to access. Client access is configured by your CCH Axcess administrator in CCH Axcess Dashboard.

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